Water from city sources is potable or considered safe for human consumption. But that doesn’t mean that the water cannot become contaminated on its way to you as it travels through pipes, storage tanks, and reservoirs. City water is also only considered free of primary contaminants, such as arsenic, rather than secondary pollutants, such as fluoride or iron. Water treatment helps purify your water from both, making the water you and your family use cleaner.

A water softener replaces the ‘hardness’ minerals with sodium or potassium. The amounts of these elements added to the water are relatively insignificant in comparison to what is ingested from your food and should not pose a health problem.

Water ‘hardness’ is caused by the minerals calcium and magnesium in ground and surface water. If either or both minerals are present in your drinking water in high concentrations, the water is considered ‘hard’. These minerals come from sedimentary rock such as limestone that dissolves into our water. The result of hard water is difficulty making lather or suds for washing and a build-up of minerals on taps and on other fixtures. Water containing low concentrations of calcium or magnesium is called ‘soft’ water.

As water passes through the atmosphere in the form of rain, snow, sleet, hail, dew, or fog, it picks up impurities and gases. And, because water is the universal solvent, it picks up even more impurities as it travels through the earth as ground water. Whatever the water comes in contact with, it will dissolve a part of it.

The “slickness” felt after a soft water shower is just the “real” you! Hard water does not easily rinse off the residue from cleaning products. When bathing in softened water, the use of less soap is desirable. Use sufficient water to rinse the skin thoroughly and your skin will feel softer and much smoother than it did with hard water bathing.

Our PuroTec H2O system reduces the feeling of slippery soft water while still providing the quality soft water you desire. Click Here (include link here to go to PuroTec page) for more information.

One of the most common water treatment problems found in well water is iron. Iron can be found in 3 different forms:

Ferrous iron (dissolved) – Although not visible it is the most common type of iron. Later when oxygen is mixed with ferrous iron it stains sinks, toilets and laundry especially when bleach is added. To reduce levels of ferrous iron, softening and/or filtration is performed.

Ferric Iron (suspended) – Ferric iron or brown water iron is oxidized and forms particles. Normally these particles can be seen in a glass of water. Sometimes these particles are too small to be seen and very difficult to remove.

Iron bacteria is a general term given to iron that can leave a slimy growth or build up in toilet tanks and sometimes clogs filters, softeners and pipes. These bacteria are not harmful, but are considered a nuisance bacteria because of their difficulty in removing.

Hydrogen sulfide gas is a naturally occurring contaminant, which gives water a disagreeable rotten egg odor or taste. This usually indicates the presence of some form of non-harmful mineral reducing bacteria in the well. Testing is very difficult because it is a gas and it comes out of solution very quickly. There are no known health effects; however hydrogen sulfide can also make the water somewhat corrosive.

Brown or black stains found in the dishwasher are usually from high levels of manganese. Manganese that is dissolved in water can stain when the level is above.05mg/l. The dishwasher is a perfect mechanism to oxidize it because it heats it, agitates it and mixes the water with air. Manganese can also stain clothes in the washing machine, due to the same reasons. If bleach is added staining is worse. Orange stains can result from iron in the water.

The answer is generally yes. But it’s a good idea to have your water regularly tested, at least once a year, to ensure it doesn’t contain harmful microorganisms, bacteria, or chemicals. Wells located near septic tanks are particularly prone to nitrates due to human waste, so they require extra attention.

San Antonio is one of the top 6 hardest water cities in the country. Whether your dishes still appear dirty after a dishwashing cycle, your water has orange or red stains, you notice blue or green growth at the base of your spigot, or your water tastes and smells foul, these are all signs that your water needs attention. In addition, you may notice your skin is itchy and dry, your hair is dull, and your soap does not bubble up as it should.

A water softener is a filtration system used to treat hard water caused by calcium and magnesium buildup through what is known as ion exchange. Hard water buildup causes scaling in your pipes, which in turn slows water flow, decreases water pressure, and contaminates the water moving through the pipes. It can be costly and time-consuming to address hard water on your own, so it’s better to invest in a water softener system.

Commonly referred to as RO systems, reverse osmosis filtration purifies water by running it through a somewhat porous layer. This process essentially strains contaminants, salt, and other waste materials from the water.

Factors that affect equipment placement include drainage options, power sources, and the requirement to separate treated water from irrigation water. Some common installation locations are in the garage or near pumping equipment.

Yes. While we install quality equipment for your water treatment needs, all water system components need occasional maintenance, such as replacement filters and membranes for your reverse-osmosis (RO) system. Filters usually need replacing once or twice yearly.

That depends on what is “good enough” in your standards. Although most communities meet Primary Drinking Water Standards, your water can still contain impurities you simply can’t taste or smell. These impurities can be potentially harmful. Aquion takes that water and creates great-tasting water which meets a much higher standard.

From the time water leaves the processing plant and arrives in your home, it can obtain substances that become part of the water you use. Sediments and odors can also be obtained during this process. An water treatment system provides a highly effective barrier against these additives.

Very minimal. Because of it’s regeneration system, in most cases, you’ll find less sodium in a quart of treated water than you can in a single slice of white bread. For example, if your doctor recommends that you stick to a sodium-free diet, a reverse osmosis process allows for the total sodium content in your drinking water to be nearly zero.

“Ion Exchange” is the process by which hardness in water is removed. Particles due to the hardness in water and debris are positively charged. When the water runs through the resin system, which has millions of negative charges, the water which flows past allows for calcium, rock, iron and magnesium to be brushed off and out of the water.

Yes. Activated carbon filtration is recommended by the EPA for use in municipal water treatment plants.

No. However, if your pH needs adjustment, we can recommend a suitable solution.

⦁ You will not have to buy or carry expensive bottled water.

⦁ You will use less soaps, shampoos, detergents and household cleaners.

⦁ Clothing will look brighter, whiter and wear better and longer.

⦁ Because most mineral deposits are filtered your expensive appliances will last longer.

You can exclude your water treatment unit from your real estate contract and take it with you. We can help you reinstall your unit and provide you with service in most every location within Bexar county and surrounding areas. If you move out of state we can connect you with a reputable company in that area.